Disciplines and Syllabus


Urban Ambience -     CIVP01      3 credits (M and D)  

Contextualization: evolution, concepts and applications of the urban ambience. Climate, climatic variables and their application in the urban space. Landscape variables and their influence in the urban ambience. Morphology and urban landscape. Urban area and environmental influence. Urban vegetation: relation between green areas and built areas. Urban sustainability: indicators of urban sustainability. Vegetation as a support tool for the sustainability of urban spaces.

Materials Science – CIVP02     3 credits (M and D)

Projects and development of new materials. Atomic structure and interatomic connections. Structure of crystalline solids. Mechanical properties of materials. Disagreements and mechanisms of resistance increase. Fracture, fatigue and deformation. Phase transformations. Metallic alloys. Ceramics. Polymers. Composites. Corrosion and degradation of materials. Characterization of materials.

Conservation of Hydric Resources – CIVP03      3 credits (M and D)

Development context of the integrated management of hydric resources in Brazil. The instruments of the national policies of hydric resources: hydric resources plans; the inclusion of water bodies; the concession of the right to use hydric resources; the charge for use of hydric resources. The current situation of water in Brazil: hydrometric network and water quality; quantity and quality of superficial waters, rain water; climatic variability, hydric resources demands, balance between demands and availability of water; The opportunities and challenges of the main sectors which use water; The conflicts for the use of water; The perspectives for the sustainable use of water; Optimization of water consumption: performance in the demand, sectorization and measurement of individual consumption; Use of Alternative Sources of Water: performance in the offer, water production, quality guarantee and adequate potability of water; Standards for non-potable water.

Environmental Costs and Valuation – CIVP04      3 credits (M and D)

Management of environmental costs: identification, quantification and allocation. Case studies of EMA implantation. Methods and valuation of environmental resources. Directed studies: environmental costs of the urban infrastructure.

Teaching Internship I – CIVP05      2 credits (M)

History of education and teaching in Brazil. Teaching-learning process. The interpersonal relationship in learning promotion. Planning of the teaching practice. Lesson Plans. How to define teaching objectives. The choice and organization of syllabus. Learning strategies. Evaluation of academic performance.

Teaching Internship II – CIVP06      2 credits (M)

Discussion on the educational context of higher education.The methodological-theoretical posture for teaching in the field of engineering, architecture, urbanism and related fields. Elaboration and discussion of planning proposals, teaching plans, didactic-pedagogical procedures and teaching-learning processes for higher education. Graduate student’s preparation to teachin higher education courses. Development of the teaching internship in the classroom under the supervision of the professor of the discipline. Evaluation of the internship and elaboration of the final report.

Teaching Internship III – CIVP07      4 credits (D)

Graduate student’s preparation to teach in higher education courses. Development of the teaching internship in the classroom under the supervision of the professor of the discipline. Evaluation of the internship and elaboration of the final report.

Environmental Geotechnology - CIVP08      3 credits (M and D)

Laboratory and field tests in Geotechnology. Monitoring techniques. System of containment and barriers. Remediation techniques of contaminated soil and groundwater. Erosion control. 

Road Infrastructure Management - CIVP09      3 credits (M and D)

Basic components of a pavement management system (SGP); Quantification of the indicators of pavement performance; Characterization of the performance prediction models; Techniques of intervention and rehabilitation of pavements; Monitoring of pavement networks; Feedback of the System of Pavement Management. Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC).

Environmental Management and Impact – 3 credits (M and D)

Environmental impact on project executions. Study on the environmental impact. Tools to assess those impacts. Environmental management plan.  Analysis of environmental impacts cases on the execution of infrastructure works. 

Infrastructure and the Environment I – CIVP11     3 credits (M)

Concept of the systems of infrastructure and their networks. History of the infrastructure systems.  History of the environmental issue. Interactions between human activities and the environment. Environmental licensing of Infrastructure Works. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental impact report(RIMA). Environmental Education. Infrastructure problems and the environment legislation. 

Infrastructure and the Environment II – CIVP12     3 credits (D)

Infrastructure Investment in Brazil and in the World. Sustainable technologies applied to the infrastructure and to the solution of soil and water contamination, use of natural resources, residues. Planning, project, construction and maintenance of infrastructure networks in a sustainable perspective. Sustainable cities: examples and advancements. 

 Urban Infrastructure: Performance, Use and Soil Occupation– CIVP13   3 credits (M and D)

Use of soil and urban infrastructure. Housing and infrastructure networks. Emphasis on three aspects: a) policies and housing programs, evolution in Brazil and region. Results and perspectives of promotion alternatives and urban typologies. b) the socioeconomic, technological and environmental aspects of the implementation of housing settlements and their infrastructure; c) urban infrastructure of the networks in housing centers and aspects concerning  the road system, electricity and communication networks; water supply, sewage and sanitation networks, urban green network and urban services.  Starting from theoretical aspects, urban diagnoses of housing settlements in the region will be conducted in several ways in order to support proposals of intervention aiming at the urban, social and environmental quality.

Alternative Materials Applied to Infrastructure -– CIVP14     3 credits (M and D)

Methodologies applied to the development and study of new material. Valorization of residues and effluents: Sludge, residues from industrial processes. Use of residue in the stabilization of soils. Ceramic materials, cement, asphalt and polymers: properties and deterioration. Materials under development: updating. 

Mechanics of Structures - CIVP15      3 credits (M and D)

Elasticity and plasticity theoretical concepts. Structural stability. Surface elements. Direct analysis of the structures. Numerical methods (finite bands, finite elements). Advanced topics of structural analysis.

Scientific Methodology – CIVP16     1 credit (M and D)

Systemic Approach applied to Scientific Research.  Characteristics and element of the Scientific Method. Quantitative and Qualitative method. Research Project. Elaboration guide: research elements, Research Planning. Research Classification and its Methods. Research Report. Elaboration Guide: Report regulations and structure. Oral and electronic presentation. Scientific paper. Elaboration Guide: Report regulations and structure. 

Quantitative Methods in the Scientific Research – CIVP17     2 credits (M and D)

Statistics and probability concepts. Introduction to the statistical inference: hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. Techniques of sampling. Non-parametric methods. 

Advanced Environmental Microbiology - CIVP18     3 credits (M and D)

Environmental Biotechnology. Applications of microorganisms in the environmental engineering. Chemical composition of the microbial cell. Microbial metabolism applied to the environment: connection of biogeochemical cycles with the processes of preservation and environmental decontamination. Microbial kinetics, factors which influence its growth and methods of microbial control.

Bridge Structures – CIVP19      3 credits (M and D)

Bridge basic concepts. History of the development of bridges and viaducts. Superstructure and infrastructure of bridges. Bridge concept. Environmental impact of special structures (viaducts and bridges). Building techniques, maintenance and assessment of existing bridges.

Master Supervision I, II, III, IV     1 credit each (M)

Individual activity, under the supervision of a tutor or the supervisor.

Doctorate Supervision I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII    1 credit each (D)

Individual activity, under the supervision of the supervisor.

Optimization Applied to Engineering– CIVP36      3 credits (M and D)

Optimization Fundamentals: problem formulation and classification of techniques.Convex, local and global minimum. Unidimensional search methods. Nonlinear programming without restrictions: necessary and sufficient conditions, Gradient, Newton and Quasi-Newton direct methods. Linear programming: fundamentals, Simplex method. Optimization with restrictions. Heuristic methods. Application examples.

Planning and Project Analysis – CIVP37     3 credits (M and D)

Economic and financial analysis of investment projects. Project evaluation methods. Sources and systems of project funding. Method of analysis of the economic viability of a project with deterministic emphasis. Methods of decision under conditions of Uncertainty. Theory of games and analysis of sensitivity. Evaluation of investment projects in situation of Risk: Distribution of probabilities; Monte Carlo Simulation Method; Decision tree.

Planning and Experiment Assessment – CIVP38      3 credits (M and D)

Introduction to the planning of experiments. Review of the fundamentals of statistics and probability. Simple comparative experiments. Experiments with a single factor. Randomized Block experiments. Factorial projects. Fractional factorial projects. Regression models. Response surface methods. 

Soil Pollution – CIVP39      3 credits (M and D)

Fundamentals. Soil Nature. Main soil contaminants. Soil-contaminant system. Contaminant transport through porous media. 

Advanced Environmental Chemistry– CIVP40      3 credits (M and D)

Physical-chemical characterization of natural and wastewaters. Chemical balance applied to environmental systems. Advanced instrumental analysis. Concepts of environmental chemistry.  Chemical kinetics in reactions of synthesis and degradation. Enthalpy of reactions. Chemical balance. Chemical methods for monitoring and environmental diagnoses. Advanced instrumental chemistry. 

Sanitation networks and Supply– CIVP41      3 credits (M and D)

General aspects of sanitation applied to the urban area. Conceptual aspects concerning the urban systems of water supply of rainwater drainage and sewage. Management of systems of water supply and sewage, legislation and models used. Main problems of the urban sanitation systems. Interaction of the sanitation systems among themselves and other urban systems. System of urban drainage with compensatory techniques.

Seminar I – CIVP42      1 credits (M)

In the discipline of seminarI, the student has to prepare an oral presentation on a subject chosen through mutual accordance with his/her advisor and present it to the faculty and professor of the program. This professor is the coordinator of the discipline only.

Seminar II – CIVP43      2 credits (M)

Approach of themes for updating and completing the studies in the area of infrastructure and the environment and related areas, conducted through seminars, with the collaboration of lecturers from other institutions, graduates from the program and faculty from UPF.

Seminar III – CIVP44      3 credits (D)

Discipline of open syllabus.  This discipline aims to prepare and help the student to present his project of thesis (Qualification Exam), what has to be done with his/her advisor. 

System of Infrastructure Management – CIVP45      3 credits (M and D)

System of Infrastructure Management. Public consultation in order to define investments. Service levels. Indicators and Benchmarking. Sustainable infrastructure. Components of the SGI. Database. Monitoring and performance of infrastructure networks. Life cycle analysis. Investment parameters for municipal infrastructure. Funding mechanisms.

Structure Sustainability   – CIVP46     3 credits (M and D)

Criteria for pre-dimensioning elements of steel structures and reinforced concrete; Minimization of economic expenses; Life cycle analysis: definition, indicators, minimization of environmental expenses; main heuristic methods applied to the minimization of the structure expenses; Case analyses.

Solid Residue Technology– CIVP47      3 credits (M and D)

Generation of solid wasteand their environmental impact. Typology and classification of waste and solids. Legislation and environmental norms connected with the systems of treatment of solid waste.  Disposal of solid residues: sanitary and special landfills (hazardous waste). Recycling of solid residues. Composting of solid waste. Thermal treatment of solid waste.

Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development - CIVP48       3 credits (M and D)

Sustainability Theory. Fundamentals of sustainability.Examples and global situation. Sustainability practice. Sustainability and social responsibility. Policy for carbon emission reduction. Rational use of water and energy. Smart cities. 

Territory and Infrastructure - CIVP49      3 credits (M and D)

Process of territory building involving the evolution of the territory occupation, urbanization and relation with the natural and build environment. Emphasis on the southern region of Brazil and on the northern region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Planning, territorial and urban management of the regional and municipal space. Sustainable development in the contemporary world.

Special Topics I – CIVP50      2 credits (M)

The discipline of topics has no set syllabus. The students will develop, along with his/her supervisor, specific subjects related to the dissertation. This professor is the coordinator of the discipline only.

Special Topics II – CIVP51      3 credits (D)

Discipline of open syllabus that has the purpose of complementing theoretical or practical contents.

Wastewaters Treatment– CIVP52      3 credits (M and D)

Characterization of wastewaters. Preliminary steps: railing, de-aeration, flow measurement and equalization. Physical-chemical processes: coagulation/flocculation, flotation. Biological processes. Stabilization Ponds. Activated Sludge. Biological Filters. Anaerobic reactors. Effluents post-treatment: adsorption, chemical oxidation, membrane separation process. Case studies.